Bareksa targets to acquire 250 thousand Mutual Fund Investors this year / Bareksa

Bareksa Aims to Acquire 250 Thousand Mutual Fund Investors This Year

Bareksa, an online investment product markeplace, targets to acquire up to 250 thousand investors by this year, or up nearly three times of the previous year. By this month, Bareksa claims to acquire 100 thousand investors worth over Rp850 billion.

Based on the total investors, Bareksa is considered leading the mutual fund market with 16% (of total market). According to Indonesia’s Central Securities Depository (KSEI), total investors of mutual fund has reached 619.380 per last year.

“By this year, we target 250 thousand customers with 30% penetration for the mutual fund,” Ady F Pangerang, Bareksa’s President Director, said to DailySocial.

The company will expand partnership and rely on SBN online retail held on 14-25 May 2018. Bareksa is appointed as SBN 003 distribution partner.

There are six other banks acquired the license, two security companies, and a fintech player. The banks are Mandiri, BNI, BRI, BCA, Bank Permata, and DBS. The security companies are Trimegah and Bareksa. The only fintech company partner is Investree.

SBN 003 is very affordable for millennials, the price starts from Rp1 million. The maximum number of SBN 003 ownership is Rp3 billion with the yield higher than the deposit interest.

“We’ll be participating in it, the registration procedure is similar to becoming a mutual fund investor, only the candidates have to input NPWP (Tax Independent Number).”

The company will actively educate public and community related to SBN retail and mutual funds to acquire more investors. Unlike SBN retail that has a certain period, mutual funds are highly flexible to be exchanged at any time. In addition, the coupon is considered to be higher than deposits and guaranteed by the government.

To date, Bareksa has partnered with Bukalapak, Tokopedia, Doku, and Mandiri e-Cash. The company facilitates mutual funds payment or purchase using Mandiri e-cash.

The partnership is open for other companies to facilitate public to access mutual funds besides downloading Bareksa app.

“Our next homework is to increase penetration, along with service improvement. How to make public to invest easily, how to educate them when they lose the money,” he said.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

Published by

Marsya Nabila

A full time wordsmith