#OpenBox Xiaomi Redmi 4A, Murah Meriah dan Resmi

Kami memiliki akun YouTube yang tidak hanya membahas tentang dunia startup tetapi juga gaya hidup digital. Salah satu program yang ada di akun YouTube DailySocial adalah #OpenBox.

Sesuai namanya, di program ini kami akan membuka kotak perangkat atau gadget dan mencoba (hands-on) singkat untuk menceritakan pengalaman singkat atas perangkat tersebut.

Tidak hanya smartphone, kami juga membuka kotak drone, speaker dan masih banyak lagi.

#OpenBox Xiaomi Redmi 4A ini merupakan video kedua dari program #OpenBox. Video pertama bisa dilihat di sini. Jangan lupa subscribe akun YouTube DailySocialTV di tautan ini.

DScussion #57: MDI Ventures dan Strategi Inkubator Untuk Startup di Indonesia

Tahun 2016 sudah banyak startup yang mendapatkan pendanaan, mulai dari tahap seed hingga Seri A. Hal tersebut membuktikkan bahwa perkembangan startup ekosistem di Indonesia semakin menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan.

Dalam DScussion edisi kali ini CEO MDI Ventures Nicko Widjaja juga menjelaskan seperti apa peranan inkubator startup di Indonesia dan strategi apa yang baiknya dilancarkan untuk menghasilkan startup terbaik dan berkualitas.

Simak diskusi lengkapnya berikut ini.

DScussion #36: Abang Edwin and Ansvia’s Evolution

Ansvia’s CEO Abang Edwin Syarif Agustin is still DScussion’s guest for this episode. He explained that Ansvia pivoted last year from solely focusing on MindTalk to developing modular products using Digaku, the engine behind MindTalk. What are Ansvia’s plans for next year? Watch our discussion in the video below. Continue reading DScussion #36: Abang Edwin and Ansvia’s Evolution

DScussion #35: Abang Edwin on the Invasion of Foreign Social Media Platforms in Indonesia

As a social media observer in Indonesia, Abang Edwin Syarif Agustin, CEO at Ansvia that develops Mindtalk, talked about the growth of global social media, in which foreign players still dominate the local social media segment. The lack of interest shown by local audience is one of the causes to that particular trend, despite the fact that many local products come and go to the segment.   Continue reading DScussion #35: Abang Edwin on the Invasion of Foreign Social Media Platforms in Indonesia

DScussion #34: Daniel Armanto on Adskom’s Big Data Management

Adskom's Co-Founder and CTO Daniel Armanto / DScussion

In this episode, DScussion still revolves around digital advertising. We discussed with Adskom’s Co-Founder and CTO Daniel Armanto about how Adskom manages big data based on the current needs. He also answered a question about programmatic retargeting by DailySocial’s Twitter follower in the #AskDS session. Continue reading DScussion #34: Daniel Armanto on Adskom’s Big Data Management

DScussion #33: Italo Gani on Digital Advertising Trend, Consumer Behavior, and Expansion to Southeast Asia

The vast mobile penetration in Indonesia opens a huge potential for digital advertising industry to profit from. Adskom captures the opportunity by partnering with publishers, e-commerce servcies, and ISPs to provide them with the required big data. Adskom’s data can be customized based on the consumer behavior in Indonesia. After recently sealing the latest funding, Adskom plans on expanding to Southeast Asian countries, like Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Below is our discussion with Adskom’s Co-Founder and CEO Italo Gani in DScussion. Continue reading DScussion #33: Italo Gani on Digital Advertising Trend, Consumer Behavior, and Expansion to Southeast Asia

DStour #01: A Visit to “Kudoplex”, Kudo Indonesia’s Main Office

In this first episode of DStour, DailySocial visits and talks with Kudo’s COO Agung Nugroho.Kudoplex, that’s how Kudo’s office is called, is located in Radio Dalam, South Jakarta. It applies an open-space concept of building with spacious rooms to ensure that the team may work conveniently. Kudoplex indeed is dedicated for Kudo’s employees, so that they may give their best to the company. Continue reading DStour #01: A Visit to “Kudoplex”, Kudo Indonesia’s Main Office

DScussion #32: Albert Lucius and Kudo’s Support towards “Social Commerce”

In this episode, Kudo’s Co-Founder and CEO Albert Lucius talks about How Kudo uses all the three funding it received for infrastructure development and operational expansion. What if everyone in Indonesia finally can do online transaction on his own? What will Kudo do? What our discussion to find out. Continue reading DScussion #32: Albert Lucius and Kudo’s Support towards “Social Commerce”

DScussion #31: Albert Lucius and His Dream of Enabling Shopping Online for Everyone

In this episode of DScussion, we discusses with Kudo’s Co-Founder and CEO Albert Lucius. Kudo offers public-installed devices which help everyone, especially those with no internet connection, to shop online. Its target market is communities, as it hires agents to support its adoption. During our discussion, Lucius also explains about the low level of trust that most of Indonesians have while shopping online. Continue reading DScussion #31: Albert Lucius and His Dream of Enabling Shopping Online for Everyone

DScussion #30: J.P Ellis and Fintech Association in Indonesia

CekAja and Compare88 Groups’s Founder and CEO J.P Ellis is still our guest for this episode. This time, he shares about the Indonesians’ financial literacy as well as fintech association’s growth in Indonesia, and what it may achieve. Find out more on DScussion. Continue reading DScussion #30: J.P Ellis and Fintech Association in Indonesia