Kaskus Officially Introduce Their Personal Ad System

After flying under the radar for several months, finally Kaskus announce their ad platform known as kasAd to public via press conference held in Jakarta last week. Ken Lawadinata, Kaskus CEO, told us that they’ve been preparing for this ad system to facilitate people who wanted to advertise at Kaskus on a low-budget campaign, mostly for personal advertiser with budget under $2000.

Before kasAd, Kaskus sales and marketing team focuses on generating sales from big budget advertising campaign from big brands. But looking at the potential and loyalty of Kaskus users, it’s almost impossible not to do something about it. Especially looking at the fact that a lot of people been making a lot of money selling stuff on Kaskus, and it’s very reasonable for Kaskus to help these people promote their content on Kaskus via kasAd.

The method of putting an ad on Kaskus is actually not so different compared to Facebook’s ad system. Advertisers can target specific target of people by selecting sub-forums and channels such as technology, politics, gadgets, lifestyle etc. Advertisers also given two method of advertisement, CPC (cost per click) and CPM (cost per million impressions).

I have a concern for Kaskus’s new ad system, one problem also faced by Kumpulblogger and other PPC ad network is the noise and ad relevancy. Kumpulblogger and most of Indonesian PPC ad network is filled with MLM and get-rich-fast scheme which is basically a scam and a money game. If these MLM guys have the money to advertise on kumpulblogger and other PPC ad network, i would seriously think that they would also like to advertise on Kaskus which could seriously become a threat for Kaskus.

If Kaskus can handle this problem, like Facebook, then they can make a lot of money from this platform without so much effort on pursuing high-budget advertisers.

Published by

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net. Contact me : rama@dailysocial.net

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