Indonesia’s First Foursquare Badge

It is a “present” perhaps for Foursquare users in Indonesia, the biggest “badge hunter” community. Live & Rockin organized by Ismaya Live collaborated with Research in Motion (RIM) promised to create exclusive badge BlackBerry Indonesia Swarm Badge 2011. The badge will be available for visitors who unlock the event’s location at JIExpo Hall A Kemayoran this March 19,2011.

Live & Rockin is a concert inviting artist from different countries and genre, like Suede, Taio Cruz, Shontelle, and 2PM. The last one is probably popular among KPop fans. Being sponsored by RIM, there’s a specific requirement that users must use BlackBerry smartphone. Tomorrow Ismaya Live will hold press conference on this event including confirmation on the BlackBerry smartphone ownership requirement. We will update you later on this.

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Badge foursquare Pertama untuk Indonesia

Suatu “hadiah” mungkin bagi pengguna Foursquare di Indonesia yang telah lama dikenal sebagai komunitas “badge hunter” terbesar. Acara Live & Rockin yang diadakan oleh Research in Motion (RIM), produsen ponsel pintar BlackBerry, dan dikoordinir oleh pihak Ismaya Live. Acara ini menjanjikan akan menghadirkan badge eksklusif BlackBerry Indonesia Swarm Badge 2011. Badge tersebut akan diperoleh oleh setiap pengunjung yang meng-unlock lokasi acaranya di JIExpo Hall A Kemayoran tanggal 19 Maret mendatang.

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