Indonesia Cloud Forum Declares Indonesia Cloud Computing Association

The other day, two associations related to technological information industry were declared in Indonesia. In addition to Indonesia E-commerce Association which is formed by a variety of e-commerce companies in Indonesia, it was also declared the establishment of Asosiasi Forum Komputasi Awan Indonesia – Indonesia Forum of Cloud Computing Association (AFKAI). AFKAI was declared by Indonesian Cloud Forum (ICF) in between opening event of ICT Expo-Indocomm 2012.

Teguh Prasetya, initiator of ICF, as quoted from an article in IndoTelko, said that ICF was to improve the status from a forum to an association. AFKAI is expected to be able to become one of the driving forces of the use of cloud computing as one of national economics activator.

ICF actually has been established since May 25, 2011. ICF is an independent and professional institution committed to continue educating the public and stakeholders about the importance of the implementation of cloud computing. ICF regularly organizes educational events, seminars, discussions, exhibitions, as well as professional certification. These activities will be intensified in the 2012.

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Indonesia Cloud Forum Deklarasikan Asosisasi Komputasi Awan Indonesia

Kemarin, dalam sehari dua asosiasi yang terkait dengan industri teknologi informasi dideklarasikan di Indonesia. Selain Asosiasi E-commerce Indonesia yang dibentuk oleh berbagai perusahaan e-commerce di Indonesia, pada hari Kamis kemarin juga dideklarasikan pembentukan Asosiasi Forum Komputasi Awan Indonesia (AFKAI). AFKAI dideklarasikan oleh Indonesian Cloud Forum (ICF) di sela-sela acara pembukaan ICT Expo-Indocomm 2012.

Teguh Prasetya, penggagas ICF, seperti yang dikutip dari artikel IndoTelko, mengatakan bahwa ICF merasa perlu meningkatkan statusnya dari forum menjadi asosiasi. AFKAI nantinya diharapkan mampu menjadi salah satu pendorong digunakannya komputasi awan sebagai penggerak ekonomi nasional.
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