Mixed Messages From BlackBerry in Keeping BlackBerry 7 Around

While BlackBerry Jam Asia was all about BlackBerry 10, the company recently launched a BlackBerry phone running the legacy BlackBerry 7 system. The 9720 is a low end device aimed at the fast growing markets in Asia. Why launch an outdated model instead of making the BlackBerry 10 platform available on a low end device?

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BlackBerry: No Commitments to BBM on the Desktop

BlackBerry showed off the ability to access and use BlackBerry Messenger using desktop machines on Thursday at the end of the keynote speech to kick off BlackBerry Jam Asia in Hong Kong. The soon to be cross-platform mobile messaging app seems to finally have been extended to the desktop. But has it? The world thinks that BlackBerry will soon release a BBM app for desktop computers. That’s not the case at all.

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BlackBerry Kicks Off Jam Asia With Focus on BlackBerry 10 Platform

It’s all BlackBerry 10 at BlackBerry Jam Asia as Alec Saunders, VP Developer Relations, kicked off the two day event in Hong Kong amid massive uncertainties surrounding the company’s future outlook. With a botched BBM launch and a huge layoff on the horizon, Saunders put up a brave face and highlighted BlackBerry 10’s achievements.

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Kabar dari Blackberry DevCon Europe

Research In Motion (RIM) baru saja selesai menggelar Blackberry DevCon Europe di Amsterdam 7-8 Februari kemarin. Developer Conference yang pertama kali digelar di Eropa ini memecahkan rekor jumlah peserta, yang mencapai 2000 orang. Jumlah peserta ini, bisa dijadikan gambaran dari antusiasme developer dari kawasan tersebut terhadap masa depan Blackberry.

Acara ini dibuka langsung oleh CEO RIM yang baru, Thorsten Heins. Dalam sambutannya, yang videonya bisa dilihat di laman Crackberry, Heins menegaskan kembali komitmen RIM kepada para developer. RIM menjamin ekosistem dan dukungan yang dibutuhkan pengembang untuk bisa sukses dalam kerja samanya dengan RIM. Heins bahkan menggunakan kata-kata seperti “without you, the BlackBerry solution wouldn’t be complete”.

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