Perbarui Versi Aplikasi Mobile, Foodpanda Rilis Fitur Pembayaran Online Langsung Dari Aplikasi

Aplikasi pemesanan makanan online Foodpanda baru saja bersolek diri. Startup yang digawangi oleh Rocket Internet, salah satu jaringan startup terbesar di dunia ini, telah merilis versi terbaru dari aplikasi mobile yang membawa penyegaran di berbagai sisi di antara lainnya menghadirkan tampilan yang diperbarui, serta tambahan fitur penggunaan yang kian sempurna.
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Fancy Ordering Food Online? Try Klik-Eat

My previous statement that prior to the presence of foodpanda is that there’s no startup that specializes in serving online food ordering needs to be rectified. exists since December 2011 to help us accessing various types of food from favorite restaurants.

If we don’t have the time to visit a restaurant for lunch, it will deliver for us. is developed by Michael Saputra and Andrew Pangestan who were inspired to enable customer to get delivery from restaurants, especially the ones that are not in the fast food chains.

Within about 3 months since its launch, is already moving fast. As noted by Michael, today, it has partnering with more than 60 restaurants (and branches). Take a look at the familiar names on featured partner’s list.

Continue reading Fancy Ordering Food Online? Try Klik-Eat