Event: Mozilla Firefox 4 Launch Party – Bandung

Launching event of the Firefox 4 browser in Bandung have been accomplished, having previously held in two cities of Jogjakarta and Jakarta, this time the people’s browser party stopped by in Bandung, located at Potluck Kitchen, the event was held on Sunday, May 1, 2011, from 16:00 to 20:00 pm.

For this event in Bandung, besides the welcoming events there were two presentation sessions, the first session was from Gen Kanai – Director of Asian Business Development – Mozilla, Christian Legnitto – Mozilla Firefox Release Manager and Luke Wagner – JaegerMonkey / JS Engine Engineer. While the second session filled by Petshopbox Studio – The Making of Kumi, Faisal Asad – Kumi Papertoy and Yohan – a presentation on the Future of Web App with Firefox and Showcase – Fowab. Before the 3 speakers, Fauzan Alfi also presented and introduced some things, especially about the Mozilla community to the visitors, including about Kumi, Indonesia Firefox mascot created by ‘urang Bandung’ (means ‘Bandung citizen’).

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Event: Mozilla Firefox 4 Launch Party – Bandung

Event peluncuran peramban Firefox 4 di Bandung telah selesai dilaksanakan, setelah sebelumnya diadakan di dua kota yaitu Jogjakarta dan Jakarta, kali ini pesta browser rakyat ini mampir di kota Bandung, bertempat di Potluck Kitchen, acara diselenggarakan pada hari Minggu, 1 Mei 2011, mulai pukul 16.00 – 20.00 WIB.

Untuk acara di Bandung kali ini, selain acara ramah tamah ada dua sesi presentasi, sesi pertama adalah Gen Kanai – Director of Asia Business development – Mozilla, Christian Legnitto – Mozilla Firefox Release Manager dan Luke Wagner – JaegerMonkey/JS Engine Engineer, sedangan sesi kedua diisi oleh Petshopbox Studio – The Making of Kumi, Faisal Asad – Kumi Papertoy dan Yohan – presentasi tentang the Future of Web App with Firefox dan Showcase – Fowab. Sebelum  3 pembicara ini Fauzan Alfi juga presentasi dan memperkenalkan beberapa hal terutama tentang komunitas Mozilla pada para pengunjung termasuk tentang Kumi, maskot Firefox Indonesia yang dibuat oleh ‘urang Bandung’.

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Event: Mozilla Firefox 4 Launch Party Indonesia

Dengan diluncurkannya Mozilla Firefox 4 yang sudah mencapai lebih dari 114 juta unduhan, di mana Indonesia sendiri menyumbang lebih dari 3.1 juta unduhan (kedua terbesar di Asia setelah India), komunitas Mozilla Indonesia (id-Mozilla) akan mengadakan acara #fx4party yang rencananya diadakan di enam kota besar di Indonesia, plus dua kunjungan ke kampus.

Rangkaian acara dimulai di Yogyakarta hari Jumat kemarin di Pendopo Dalem, dilanjutkan di Jakarta hari ini (18.00-21.00) di Salihara Rooftop Theater. Acara kemudian bergeser ke Bandung (1 Mei), Surabaya (4 Mei), Makasar (6 Mei) dan terakhir di Bali (7 Mei). Selain itu akan ada dua kunjungan kampus/sekolah, yaitu ke SMA Pax Patriae Bekasi tanggal 3 Mei dan Ma Chung University di Malang tanggal 5 Mei.

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Event: Mozilla Firefox 4 Launch Party Indonesia

Since it was launched, Mozilla Firefox 4 has reached over 114 million downloads, where Indonesians download over 3.1 million downloads (second biggest in Asia after India). Moxilla Indonesia Community (id-Mozillla) will celebrate #fx4party planned in 6 large cities in Indonesia plus two school / campus visits.

The series of events started in Yogyakarta last Friday at Pendopo Dalem, continues to Jakarta today (18.00-21.00) at Salihara Rooftop Theater. The event then moves on to Bandung (May 1), Surabaya (May 4), Makasar (May 6) and the last one will be in Bali (May 7). Other than that there will be two school / campus visits, to Pax Patriae High School, Bekasi on May 3 and Ma Chung University in Malang on May 5.

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