XL Axiata Presents Low-Cost Games with KotaGames and Other Game Developers

Last Monday at XL Axiata’s offices at Menara Prima in Jakarta, XL Axiata announced its cooperation with The Mobile Gamer and a couple of local game developers. With this partnership, XL users will be able to access WAP-based social game, KotaGames, with little cost.

As written by Kompas Tekno, an XL subscriber needs only to pay Rp 250 (before tax) for 12 hours of gameplay or Rp 550 (after tax) for 24 hours of gameplay. Afterwards, each subscriber can freely play during the duration without having to pay GPRS fee to access the games.

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Elasitas Bawa GameMachi dan Menoo! ke Ajang AnDevCon

Sekali lagi Elasitas membawa produk pengembang Indonesia ke ranah internasional. Setelah memperkenalkan GameMachi di ajang BlackBerry DevCon Asia di Bali dan Mobile World Congress di Barcelona, kali ini Elasitas memperkenalkan GameMachi dan Menoo! di acara Android Developer Conference (AnDevCon) di San Francisco. Acara berlangsung tanggal 7-9 Maret ini. Tentu saja ini mengkonfirmasi kehadiran kedua aplikasi tersebut di platform Android. Awalnya GameMachi diperkenalkan untuk platform BlackBerry karena mengusung fitur baru integrasi dengan BBM Social Platform.

Continue reading Elasitas Bawa GameMachi dan Menoo! ke Ajang AnDevCon