DKI Jakarta’s Vice Governor Inaugurates SafetiPin to Ensure People’s Security

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), DKI Jakarta’s Vice Governor, encourages the citizens of Jakarta to complete themselves with the SafetiPin app. This app enables them to send a report right away should any inconvenient and dangerous incident happens in their surrounding.

SafetiPin is originated from United Nation Woman’s initiation to let women report any unpleasing treatment or insecurity that they feel. Through the app, users may report any danger, take pictures, and send it to the authorized ones. The app has now been available for Android and iOS.

Being first implemented in India, the app has enjoyed broader coverage ever since. It is not only used to report crimes, but also to address public services like broken roads, stack of garbage, street vendors and hawkers, and many others. This function is apparently something which attracted the local government of DKI Jakarta to utilize the app for serving the society.

As being reported by last Tuesday (14/10), Ahok asked the head of every district and village in Jakarta to download the app, so that the officers may respond to people’s responses in no time. The process may also be an opportunity for Ahok to assess the performance of the officers.

“On SafetiPin, people may report using pictures as well. The technology is free, and compatible with any type of smartphones, even low-end Chinese smartphones,” Ahok stated.

The decision to implement SafetiPin has practically shut the possibility of having an in-house app independently developed. Previously, the Communication and Information Agency’s Head, Agus Bambang Setyowidodo, once stated that he intended to develop an independent app which is based on SafetiPin. This development program, which reportedly consumes Rp 2 Billion of the Regional budget 2014, is apparently switched into a program of building proper supporting infrastructure, including the planting of 3000 CCTV all over Jakarta.

Ever since Joko Widodo and Ahok were elected as DKI Jakarta’s Governor and Vice Governor, the DKI Jakarta local government has always put their focus on the development of technology to support public services. An example to this condition would be the implementation of Lapor! System which has been carried on since last year.

[Header illustration: SafetiPin]

Published by

Michael Erlangga


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