Tempa Labs Develop Animal Choirs Game for BlackBerry PlayBook

Tempa Labs, one of local game developers, release special game for Blackberry Playbook called Animal Choirs, aimed for children (with parental guide) who wants to know further of tone variations and type of animals. There are three difficulty levels offered: Beginner, Advanced and Free Play. What immediately comes to my mind is and interactive follow-the-tone game that will be fun when played with family. This application will cost you only $0.99 and you can download it at di App World.

On the application itself, Alif Harsan Pradipto as CTO of Tempa Labs said the idea to make BlackBerry Tablet OS platform game is based on PlayBook’s ability to adapt Adobe Flash based application/game. PlayBook has supported other development bases including Adobe Flash, Adobe AIR and Android based app. We can’t pretend like we don’t know that one of incentives from Research in Motion to attract developers to develop application for their tablet platform is the opportunity to get free PlayBook if they release the application before April 19, 2011.

Tempa Labs itself has resources for this Flash based game where we can check out their portfolio on their website. Since they feel that they still don’t have enough resources natively for other platform, Tempa Labs will use this game to find out market’s respond. In the future, Pradipto said Tempa Labs has plan to aggressively take part in Tablet market, including iOS and Android platform.

This game making itself didn’t take too long, only one week for developing and 2-3 days for testing and conversing on PlayBook, and their team did those by themselves. According to Pradipto, conversing from Flash based to PlayBook based isn’t really complicated. The hassle part is developer registration process at RIM and other administration steps. Pradipto admits that his team only tested the game in emulator and not in handset (PlayBook hasn’t enter Indonesia just yet as we speak). But he believes that the game’s performance will not be far different compared to when played in emulator.

Animal Choirs not only aiming at local market, but also international one. Although PlayBook gets mixed reviews from analyst and bloggers, it sells pretty much like hot cakes in US and Canada, especially compared to Honeycomb based Android tablet. I hope this will be an early step for Indonesia developer to see PlayBook’s potential as place to experiment and get revenue.

Translated by Nita Sellya.

Published by

Amir Karimuddin

Passionately working in the Internet-based media service industry. Having 15+ years of experience in IT and tech media companies.

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