Layanan E-Commerce Fashion Zalora Kembali Dapatkan Investasi, Kali Ini Dari Access Industries

Perusahaan e-commerce bidang fashion binaan Rocket Internet, Zalora, kembali memperoleh investasi. Bersama dengan situs Rocket Internet lain yaitu The Iconic yang beroperasi di Australia dan Selandia Baru, Zalora memperoleh pendanaan $112 juta (lebih dari Rp 1,3 triliun) dari Access Industries. Sebelumya Access Industries juga ambil bagian dalam konsorsium yang memberikan pendanaan $500 juta untuk Rocket Internet dan mereka mengkonfirmasi dana kali ini adalah di luar scope $500 juta tersebut.

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Rocket Internet’s Half a Billion Dollar Round Set to Fuel Growth in Emerging Markets

We’ve just learned from TechCrunch that Rocket Internet has raised half a billion US dollars to fund its entire operations. That’s USD 500 million from Kinnevik and Access Industries, two of Rocket Internet’s partners and investors that regularly participate in various funding rounds over the last few years. The group’s largest and most successful ventures so far are in online stores and marketplaces although it does have companies in other fields.

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