The Adoption of .id Reached 123,000 Domains in 2014

Recently, Pandi presented a data showing that 21.654 new .id domains have been registered throughout 2014. That significant growth was driven by the registration of Second Level Domain (SLD) and High Level Domain (HLD) .id, which is also goes by the name of “”. By December 2014, the total number of .id domain adoption reached 123.751. Continue reading The Adoption of .id Reached 123,000 Domains in 2014

Adopsi Domain .id Tembus Angka 123 Ribu Pengguna

Ilustrasi Akses Internet / Shutterstock

Pengelola Nama Domain Internet Indonesia (Pandi) memaparkan data bahwa sebanyak 21.654 domain .id baru tercatat telah terdaftar di sepanjang tahun 2014. Pertumbuhan signifikan tersebut didorong oleh pendaftaran Domain Tingkat Dua (DTD) dan Domain Tingkat Tinggi (DTT) .id yang juga populer dengan nama “”. Terhitung Desember 2014, angka total pengadopsian domain .id mencapai 123.751.

Continue reading Adopsi Domain .id Tembus Angka 123 Ribu Pengguna