Google Adapts Ramayana Tale To Gain More Chrome Users

I once watched the Ramayana Ballet performed at Prambanan Temple. Until today, I think that it’s the most spectacular show I’ve ever seen. Today, after watching the story performed by Google in a Chrome experiment, I think Google managed to tell the epic story.

Last week, Google launched A browser based animation which tells the Ramayana story. The folktale famous in the South and Southest Asia regions was adapted to incorporate the technologies within Google products, especially Google Chrome.

In, you can see how Raden Janaka using Google Chat to announce a competition, Jatayu posted a blog on Blogger, Hanoman sang in YouTube and Rahwana used Google Maps to locate Rama and Shinta. In addition, you can find some interactive scenes which make you play a part in the story. Those interactive scenes were built using HTML5 and WebGL.

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Biznet gets into the gaming and animation business with Biznet Capital Ventures

Biznet is a Jakarta-based company known for its business network, data center and multimedia. Biznet has recently started to go into business investment, especially in the gaming industry and animation via Biznet Capital Ventures.

According to the Biznet director Adi Kusma, The objective of Biznet Capital Ventures is a niche for gaming and animation companies started from seed round or late-stage.

Game and animation was deliberately chosen because it is in line with the future plan of Biznet itself. The size of the investment is from Rp. 500 million for each company. However Biznet is also able to lead the investment round for startup that require larger fund by inviting other partners.

A company (that is into the cloud computing business) indeed rapidly innovated the development of their own business line. In 2010, they developed an area in Cibubur called Biznet Technovillage as the “Silicon Valley” a la Indonesia.

Silverlight Kejar Ketinggalan Dari Flash

Pertarungan platform antara Microsoft Silverlight dengan Adobe Flash nampaknya akan makin seru untuk diikuti. Setelah serial perebutan pemain besar seperti Playboy dan MLB, nampaknya Microsoft telah banyak belajar dan mulai menambahkan fitur-fitur signifikan ke dalam platformnya. Adobe yang sudah mapan dengan platformnya ini bahkan sudah mencoba melebarkan sayapnya ketika pesaingnya sedang mencoba mengejar ketertinggalan.

Microsoft dengan platform Web Video / Animation menjanjikan beberapa upgrade fitur di versi terbarunya yang akan mampu mengangkat Silverlight ke tingkat persaingan yang lebih dekat dengan Flash. Dengan mengintegrasikan beberapa fitur .NET ke dalam Silverlight, Microsoft berharap menjadikan Silverlight lebih menarik untuk para developer Microsoft yang jumlahnya memang lumayan banyak.

Microsoft memang telah mampu menggaet beberapa pemain besar seperti NBC (beberapa proyek saja) dan juga Netflix (CEO Netflix Reed Hastings adalah salah satu Board Member Microsoft) namun sepertinya dalam waktu dekat Silverlight masih punya banyak hal yang harus dikejar dari Flash.

Review Silverlight Beta 3 – The Register