Mengapa Developer Indonesia Masih Tertarik dengan PlayBook?

Research In Motion akhirnya meluncurkan tablet 7-inci mereka yang diberi nama PlayBook pada bulan April lalu setelah tertunda sejak 2010. Meskipun tablet ini ditujukan untuk pasar korporat, perangkat ini tidak dilengkapi dengan fasilitas yang sesuai dengan pasar tersebut. Tidak memiliki dukungan email, kalender, dan tidak ada fasilitas BlackBerry Messenger, kecuali ditambatkan ke sebuah ponsel BlackBerry.

Secara global PlayBook mengecewakan, karena dalam 3 kuartal, pengiriman perangkat ini hanya mencapai 850.000 unit, dan penjualannya sangat, sangat sedikit. RIM mengirimkan 500.000 unit PlayBook pada kuartal pertama penjualan, menurun menjadi 200.000 pada kuartal kedua, dan kemudian 150.000 pada kuartal terakhir tahun lalu. Jumlah ini adalah unit yang dikirimkan ke pengecer, bukan dijual kepada konsumen.

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Why Are Indonesian Developers Still Interested in the PlayBook?

Research In Motion finally launched the 7-inch PlayBook tablet back in April last year after much delay since 2010. Though the tablet was aimed at the enterprise market, it shipped with none of the tools used in the field. It had no email support, no calendar, and no BlackBerry Messenger, unless tethered to a BlackBerry phone.

Globally, it was disappointing, having shipped only 850,000 units in three quarters and selling clearly much, much less. RIM shipped 500,000 PlayBooks in its first quarter of sales, dropping to 200,000 in the second, and then 150,000 in the last quarter of the year. Those are units shipped to retailers, not sold to consumers.

The company then put the PlayBooks through two fire sales, first at the end of last year when it halved the prices of each model, and then this month when it changed the prices to just $299 across all three models. It also failed to deliver 3G and WiMax versions of the device.

Despite those glaring failures, there are software developers who are still interested in creating applications for the PlayBook. At the BlackBerry developer conference in Singapore in early December, over a thousand attendees showed up and each one received a complimentary PlayBook.

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DS-Tour: Better-B

Baru-baru ini DailySocial melakukan kunjungan ke kantor PT Diantara Kode Digital atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Better-B, untuk berbicara tentang pengembangan mobile dengan salah satu co-founder mereka, Almaujudy. Better-B adalah sebuah perusahaan pengembangan aplikasi mobile yang dikenal dengan berbagai aplikasi BlackBerry yang dikembangkannya, Better-B juga meupakan salah satu anggota BlackBerry Aliance paling awal di Indonesia.

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DS-Tour: Better-B

Recently DailySocial made a visit to the offices of PT Diantara Kode Digital, better known as Better-B, to talk about mobile development with Almaujudy, one of the co-founders of the company. Better-B is a mobile application development company renowned for creating BlackBerry apps and is one of the country’s earliest BlackBerry Alliance members.

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