Offline Programs are Getting Tech Players More Customers in Indonesia

In a small 2×2 meter kiosk along Jakarta’s Radio Dalam street, Romana provides digital payment services to her customers by using the GrabKios platform. She offers several services, including phone credit top-ups, OVO credit-top ups, bill payments, and domestic remittance services for customers. The 37-year old has used GrabKios [previously named Kudo] since 2017.

Since becoming a GrabKios agent, Romana has been able to complete transactions totaling a maximum of IDR 20 million (USD 1,427) a month, compared to below IDR 10 million a month previously as a phone credit seller before joining GrabKios. Her income is largely derived from selling phone credit, and facilitating bill payments, as well as domestic remittances.

“The profit is not big, it ranges from IDR 500 to IDR 13,500 (USD 0.04 to USD 0.96) per transaction, depending on the service. Compared to other players’ products, GrabKios is much cheaper and easier to use,” Romana said.

She admitted that she did not have a banking account in the past and used to pay via Indomaret, an Indonesian convenience store chain, before she joined GrabKios. However, after becoming an agent, she opened a bank account, which has made it easier for her to perform transactions.

Meanwhile, Rofiatun, a mother of three, joined Tokopedia’s offline agent program Mitra Tokopedia in 2o18. Mitra Tokopedia empowers agents operating small kiosks or mom-and-pop stores by helping them use Tokopedia’s platform to increase their product sales. By becoming an offline agent, Rofiatun has been able to purchase products such as snacks and beverages at slightly lower prices for her kiosk.

“Although the product prices are quite similar or slightly cheaper than those from traditional distributors, I can use the profits for my children’s allowances. This way, I can help my husband who works as a Grab driver, to earn more income. Moreover, I can transfer money to my family, even in small denominations, on my own,” Rofiatun told KrASIA.

People such as Romana and Rofiatun, who belong to the middle-to-low income segment, may not have tapped digital platforms if these services had not directly benefitted their lives.

Indonesia is the largest internet economy and most populous country in Southeast Asia. The country’s internet economy is estimated to be worth USD 40 billion in 2019.

More than half of the country’s total adult population are now using mobile internet. Furthermore, according to the Global Digital 2019 report from We Are Social and Hootsuite, Indonesia is also among the top countries in the world by mobile internet usage. Its users are connected to mobile internet for approximately four hours a day, while the global average is three hours and 13 minutes.

However, few Indonesian users use mobile internet for productivity, the report said.

Empowering kiosk operators to reach more customers

Empowering warungs [mom-and-pop stores] and small kiosks has become a way for e-commerce and tech players to reach more customers, especially those who are from the middle-to-low income segment, and who mostly do all their transactions offline.

“The offline retail portion in Indonesia is still huge. Indonesia retail e-commerce is below 4% of the country’s total retail sales. The remaining 96% is still offline. Hence, we believe an agent network is the most effective model to capture this market,” said Agung Nugroho, chief executive officer and co-founder of GrabKios.

He added that using technology alone makes it impossible to reach middle and low income earners, who are less technologically savvy. Through warungs, the firm expects that technology will penetrate this segment.

Nugroho added that he is doing this because he believes in helping people through financial inclusion.

Kudo [before becoming GrabKios] was a pioneer in empowering traditional retailers since 2014, prior to merging with Grab in 2017. It was founded by Albert Lucius and Agung Nugroho. Today, GrabKios is available in 505 towns and regions, with 2.6 million users across Indonesia.

GrabKios approaches agent candidates through sales or marketing staff, so it is easier to earn the trust of the locals. Nugroho said that there are no specific requirements to become an agent, apart from the fact that candidates should have a warung or kiosk for selling products.

GrabKios equips the warung owner or agent with technology to help the agent’s customers order goods and manage transactions. Moreover, the agent program offers some additional business opportunities, such as airtime top-ups, bill payments, travel tickets, money transfers, and the registration of Grab driver-partners. The company claims that a warung’s revenue increases by as much as 30%–40% after adopting its system.

E-commerce unicorns have joined the fray

Many tech players are entering the middle and low income segment, which has room still to grow. Therefore, other tech companies including e-commerce unicorn players don’t want to miss out on the market.

SoftBank Group-backed Tokopedia and Shinhan Financial Group-backed Bukalapak entered the offline world last year. The platforms named their agent programs ‘Mitra Tokopedia’ and ‘Mitra Bukalapak’, respectively.

Tokopedia’s assistant vice president of new retail Adi Putra said that Mitra Tokopedia complements its existing consumer base, and expects to eventually serve the full range of customers that the platform can reach.

“We hope Mitra Tokopedia bridges the online and offline world for partners spread across various cities in Indonesia while preserving Indonesia’s neighborhood-based culture. Synthesizing both online and offline retail will result in powerful synergy, that will help achieve the mission of democratizing commerce in Indonesia through technology,” Putra told KrASIA.

As of October 2019, there are around 350,000 active Mitra agents for the platform. Putra said that Tokopedia’s 30 digital products will gradually be made available to Mitra Tokopedia partners, thus encouraging traditional retail players to contribute more to Indonesia’s digital economy.

Edward Buckingham, a professor of management and director of engagement at Monash Business School said that engaging with agents is an effective way for tech and e-commerce players to penetrate rural areas.

“The cost of logistics and transactions to reach them [rural areas] is high, but if they partner with local people or get them to become agents, especially those who have good social networks, it will be easier. The agent can become the bridge, and the solution between the informal and formal economies,” Buckingham told reporters on the sidelines of the Fintech Summit in Jakarta, in September.

Furthermore, tech players should be able to successfully prove that their business models are more efficient than that of other players. They also need to provide opportunities to their customers [agents] to use their networks to increase the latter’s standard of living.

However, Buckingham foresees that empowering agents will not be a long-term plan for tech players. He thinks Indonesians will be tech savvier in the near future. Hence, customers will not need agents as the middlemen for connecting with companies. They will eventually reach out to companies directly, hence tech players’ business models need to evolve.

This article first appeared on KrASIA. It’s republished here as part of our partnership.

nPerf Survey: Telkomsel as 2018’s Best Internet Provider, Indosat Ooredoo Ends Up at the Bottom Line

nPerf is a France-based company engaged in the internet quality assurance. They recently released a “Barometer of Mobile Internet Connection in Indonesia” report, assuring the quality of six mobile internet provider. In the report, nPerf appointed Telkomsel as 2018’s best internet provider. Followed by XL, Smartfren, Bolt (calculated before Bolt termination), 3 Tri, and Indosat Ooredoo.

The result is based on 636.757 trials of speed, streaming, and browsing. In addition, assurance aspects, including ratio, success ratio, download bitrate, upload bitrate, latency, browsing, and YouTube streaming.

Telkomsel is not the leading of all aspects. Only the bitrate upload and browsing ability make it to number one.

On the other hand, XL Axiata become a serious competitor to all mobile internet providers in Indonesia. XL Axiata is just slightly under Telkomsel on the second position.

In terms of success rate, XL has 69,32% and Telkomsel is at 64,33%. XL surpasses Telkomsel in YouTube streaming aspect.

Smartfren in general is leading the success ratio with 69,43% and download bitrate at 14,77 Mb/s; beats Telkomsel (8.06 Mb/s) and XL Axiata (6.68 Mb/s).

However, 3 Tri and Indosat are far way down at the second last. Download bitrate and upload bitrate in particular. 3 Tri only needs to increase the average of download bitrate for 3.15 Mb/s and upload bitrate 3.44 Mb/s. Indosat, by 6.97 Mb/s download bitrate and 1.19 Mb/s upload bitrate.


Bolt and Smartfren are best for 4G connection in 2018

nPerf, aside from highlighting overall results on all types of networks, also conducted a survey at 266,446 4G terminal points in Indonesia for mobile internet provider assurance. As a result, Smartfren and Bolt won this round. Far beyond other providers.

In terms of success ratio using 4G, Bolt is at 99.98% and Smartfren is at 99.88%. Other providers, such as Telkomsel (66.83%), XL Axiata (72.93%), 3 Tri (59.82%), and Indosat Ooredoo (48,14%).


nPerf also highlights some provider with limited speed for incentive use, such as video streaming in high definition.

“When seeing the download speed, most cellular operators provide limited speeds for intensive use, such as video streaming in high definition. Only Smarfren provides download speeds that are sufficient for intensive use,” nPerf wrote on its report.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

Survei nPerf: Telkomsel Penyedia Mobile Internet Terbaik 2018, Indosat Ooredoo di Urutan Terbawah

nPerf merupakan perusahaan asal Perancis yang bergerak dalam bidang pengukuran kualitas koneksi internet. Baru-baru ini mereka merilis laporan bertajuk “Barometer of Mobile Internet Connection in Indonesia”, mengukur performa enam penyedia mobile internet. Di laporan itu nPerf menasbihkan Telkomsel sebagai penyedia terbaik tahun 2018. Diikuti XL, Smartfren, Bolt (diukur sebelum Bolt ditutup), 3 Tri, dan Indosat Ooredoo.

Hasil tersebut didasarkan 636.757 kali pengujian, termasuk tes kecepatan, tes streaming, dan tes browsing. Selain itu aspek-aspek pengukuran termasuk rasio koneksi sukses, download bitrate, upload bitrate, latensi, dan kemampuan browsing maupun streaming Youtube.

Telkomsel tidak unggul di semua aspek. Hanya upload bitrate dan kemampuan browsing yang menjadi nomor satu.

Sementara itu XL Axiata menjadi penantang serius bagi seluruh provider mobile internet di Indonesia. Meski menempati nomor dua, XL Axiata secara keseluruhan memiliki selisih tipis dengan Telkomsel.

Misalnya untuk rasio koneksi berhasil, XL memiliki persentase sebesar 69,32% sementara Telkomsel berada di angka 64,33%. XL bahkan mengungguli Telkomsel dalam aspek kemampuan streaming Youtube.

Smartfren secara umum unggul dalam rasio sukses dengan 69,43% dan download bitrate 14,77 Mb/s; mengungguli Telkomsel (8,06 Mb/s) dan XL Axiata (6.68 Mb/s)

Sementara itu 3 Tri dan Indosat yang dalam survei ini tenggelam di urutan dua terbawah jauh tertinggal dari para pesaingnya. Terutama untuk aspek download bitrate dan upload bitrate. 3 Tri hanya membubuhkan rata-rata download bitrate sebesar 3.15 Mb/s dan upload bitrate 3.44 Mb/s. Sementara Indosat dengan rata-rata download bitrate 6.97 Mb/s dan upload bitrate 1.19 Mb/s.

Laporan nPerf

Bolt dan Smartfren terbaik untuk koneksi 4G di tahun 2018

nPerf selain menyoroti hasil secara keseluruhan di semua jenis jaringan juga melakukan survei di 266.446 titik 4G terminal untuk menguji kemampuan provider mobile internet di Indonesia. Hasilnya, Smartfren dan Bolt menjadi juara. Cukup jauh mengungguli provider lainnya.

Untuk rasio koneksi sukses menggunakan jaringan 4G Bolt mendapatkan angka 99,98% dan Smartfren berada di angka 99,88%. Sedangkan provider lainnya, Telkomsel (66,83%), XL Axiata (72,93%), 3 Tri (59,825), dan Indosat Ooredoo (48,14%).

Laporan nPerf rasio 4G / nPerf

nPerf juga menyoroti beberapa provider memberikan kecepatan yang terbatas untuk penggunaan yang insentif, seperti streaming video dalam format high definition.

“Ketika kita melihat kecepatan pengunduhan, kami melihat bahwa sebagian besar operator seluler memberikan kecepatan yang terbatas untuk penggunaan intensif seperti streaming video dalam (resolusi) high definition. Hanya Smarfren yang memberikan kecepatan unduhan yang cukup untuk penggunaan intensif,” tulis pihak nPerf dalam laporannya.

Infografis: Apa Saja yang Pengguna Perangkat Mobile Lakukan di Internet Selama 10 Detik

Tahukah Anda bahwa sejauh ini diperkirakan ada sekitar 4,4 miliar pengguna perangkat mobile di planet bernama Bumi ini? Dengan jumlah sebesar itu, sulit membayangkan betapa sibuknya traffic internet yang berasal dari perangkat mobile.

Dalam waktu sepuluh detik saja, banyak sekali aktivitas yang terjadi di internet yang sumbernya berasal dari perangkat mobile. 10 detik yang terkesan amat pendek tersebut bisa menghasilkan 52 ribu tweet, 309 ribu Facebook like dan 96 ribu foto Snapchat, seperti yang bisa Anda lihat pada gambar di atas.

Infografis mobile internet usage
Hampir 12 ribu selfie setiap 10 detik, betapa narsisnya umat manusia /

Itu baru di media sosial, bagaimana dengan Google? Well, dalam 10 detik saja, sudah ada sekitar 214 ribu pencarian yang dilakukan lewat perangkat mobile. Dalam waktu yang sama, traffic video sudah mencapai angka 15 terabyte. Dan tidak kalah menarik meski tak ada hubungannya dengan internet adalah jumlah selfie yang diambil, seperti tercantum dalam gambar di atas.

Yang terjadi di layanan online selama 10 detik, khusus yang diakses dari perangkat mobile saja /
Yang terjadi di layanan online selama 10 detik, khusus yang diakses dari perangkat mobile saja /

Beralih ke layanan online, dalam waktu sesingkat itu sudah ada 260 pesanan Uber dan 79 pesanan Grab. Data-data ini dikumpulkan oleh situs deal asal India, Anda bisa melihat infografis lengkapnya secara real-time dengan mengunjungi situsnya langsung.

Sumber: TheNextWeb.

Perbandingan Lama Mengakses Mobile Internet Per Hari Tahun 2012 vs 2015

Perkembangan teknologi, khususnya yang berhubungan dengan internet sangat pesat. Tidak hanya dalam hitungan tahun, perbedaan bulan pun terkadang membaha perkembangan yang cepat. Continue reading Perbandingan Lama Mengakses Mobile Internet Per Hari Tahun 2012 vs 2015

Google Web Light, Layanan Google Untuk Akses Internet ‘Lemot’

Berdasarkan data yang dirilis oleh We Are Social, pada awal tahun 2015 lalu Indonesia memiliki 72,7 juta pengguna Internet aktif, dimana 62 juta diantaranya adalah mereka yang mengakses media sosial menggunakan perangkat mobile. Continue reading Google Web Light, Layanan Google Untuk Akses Internet ‘Lemot’

Infografis: Lama Akses Mobile Internet Berdasarkan Umur di Beberapa Belahan Dunia

Internet dalam genggaman menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dalam perkembangan internet secara luas. Kemudahannya untuk diakses kapan saja tidak jarang menjadi pilihan utama dalam mengakses internet. Continue reading Infografis: Lama Akses Mobile Internet Berdasarkan Umur di Beberapa Belahan Dunia

Three Factors that Slow Down Mobile Internet Growth in Indonesia

During Hackathon’s main event, which was themed ‘Android One Hack for Impact‘, Google Indonesia invited creative workers to break DKI Jakarta’s three main barriers through developed mobile tech utilization. Sandy Tantra, Google Indonesia’s Consumer Marketing Manager, revealed that the mobile internet growth in Indonesia may be accelerated only if the issues of the price of smartphone, the quality of hardware, and the cost of internet access, can be overcome. Continue reading Three Factors that Slow Down Mobile Internet Growth in Indonesia

Tiga Faktor Yang Mengganjal Pertumbuhan Mobile Internet di Indonesia

Penggunaan Mobile Internet di Kalangan Masyarakat / Shutterstock

Dalam perhelatan puncak hackathon Android One Hack for Impact, Google Indonesia mengajak para pekerja kreatif untuk turut serta berperan memecahkan tiga masalah utama DKI Jakarta melalui pemanfaatan teknologi mobile yang dikembangkan. Di sela-sela rangkaian acaranya, Consumer Marketing Manager Google Indonesia Sandy Tantra mengemukakan bahwa pertumbuhan mobile Internet dapat diakselerasi jika masalah harga smartphone, kualitas perangkat, dan biaya akses Internet dapat diatasi.

Continue reading Tiga Faktor Yang Mengganjal Pertumbuhan Mobile Internet di Indonesia

Walker Sands Mobile Traffic Report Q3 2013: Akses Internet Via Mobile Meningkat, Diikuti Dengan Penurunan Pangsa Pasar iPad

Derasnya arus pertumbuhan perangkat mobile belakangan ini membuat pertumbuhan akses internet dari pengguna di seluruh dunia turut meningkat. Seperti halnya dengan laporan terbaru dari sebuah lembaga riset yang mengungkapkan pertumbuhan akses internet dari perangkat mobile yang mengalami peningkatan dengan cukup signifikan. Seperti apa pertumbuhannya? Continue reading Walker Sands Mobile Traffic Report Q3 2013: Akses Internet Via Mobile Meningkat, Diikuti Dengan Penurunan Pangsa Pasar iPad