LinkedIn Opens Up Service to School Students Through LinkedIn University

LinkedIn has always been known as a social network for professionals who wish to extend their network across the field and for employers or headhunters to seek out potential recruits, but yesterday’s announcement essentially has expanded what LinkedIn intends to cover. By introducing LinkedIn University, the company is opening up to kids as young as 13 years old.

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How @pulkam Helps Indonesians Rediscover The Spirit of Eid al Fitr

Every year around the end of Ramadan, millions of Indonesians make the trip back to their home towns to celebrate Eid al Fitr with their families and relatives. For many who don’t or can’t, they often enjoy listening to stories and photos shared by their friends. Over the last five Eid al Fitr celebrations, @pulkam has served as a central source for Eid travelers to share their stories and experiences and to deliver various information to assist travelers during the festivities. It also has grown and embraced technology like no other travel information centers in Indonesia.
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Online Services In The Eyes of Indonesian University Students [Part 2]

When asking about the most well known or successful mobile devices, platforms, and Internet services, the expected answers would be iPhone, Android, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and so on. These names tend to dominate the discussion among industry insiders primarily because the majority of them use those products and presumably it’s what certain surveys and discoveries show, which tend to reflect consumers aged 25 and above. But what about the teens or university students? How do they see the tech landscape? Check out part two of our discussion with teens on tech below. Don’t forget to read part one.

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Third Party Apps in Danger as Twitter Severs Ties With LinkedIn

Just two weeks after Twitter introduced expanded tweets for brands, product team director Michael Sippey reiterated Twitter’s intentions with regards to its product and distribution of content  on the company’s developer blog. Upon reading it thoroughly it’s never been clearer that Twitter aims to control its product more so than ever before. In aiming to deliver a consistent experience, the days of third party apps seem to be numbered.

As Sippey noted in his post, Twitter’s director of platform Ryan Sarver last year fired a warning shot at third party developers to discourage them from creating applications that mimic Twitter’s own and deliver identical Twitter experience to consumers. This is simply an extension of that directive and LinkedIn is the first casualty.

At the same time, LinkedIn published a post on its own blog noting that it will no longer be deliver tweets on its network. The relationship between these two companies began in 2009 and LinkedIn users were able to display their tweets on their LinkedIn profile page. I’ll leave it to you to decide whether synchronizing your tweets to LinkedIn is a wise move, but in any case, this is no longer possible as of today.

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Twitter Perkenalkan Expanded Tweets untuk Pemilik Merk

Twitter semakin memperkuat strategi pemasukan mereka dengan pengumuman terbarunya. Mengikuti beberapa langkah sebelumnya seperti sponsored tweets, halaman untuk pemilik merek, halaman untuk hashtag, trending topic berbayar, dan akun usulan berbayar, hari ini Twitter mengumumkan expanded tweets bagi pemilik merk. Bagi tweet yang memiliki tautan ke situs tertentu, konten yang ditujukan akan dapat dilihat langsung jika di akses melalui situs utama Twitter maupun mobile.

Expanded tweets sebenarnya telah dirilis dalam skala yang lebih besar untuk situs penyimpan foto seperti Photobucket melalui kesepakatan penyimpanan gambar dengan Twitter, situs foto Twitpic, dan Instagram, termasuk juga YouTube. Kesepakatan baru ini membawa teks, video dan gambar yang dimiliki oleh beberapa merk untuk semakin menonjol di Twitter. Mitra pada peluncuran termasuk The Wall Street Journal, Breaking News, TIME, New York Times, The San Fransisco Chronicle, Der Spiegel Online, WWE, TMZ, BuzzFeed, Lifetime, Dailymotion, dan masih banyak lagi.

Dengan menggunakan expanded tweets, pengguna Twitter akan bisa menikmati banyak konten dari berbagai tautan tanpa harus meniggalkan situs Twitter. Namun untuk artikel atau blog post, Twitter hanya menampilkan beberapa baris pertama dari artikel dan mengarahkan kembali traffic ke tautan asli.

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Twitter Introduces Expanded Tweets For Brands

Twitter is stepping up its monetization efforts in a big way. Following the sponsored tweets, brand pages, hashtag pages, paid trending topic, and paid suggested account, Twitter today announced expanded tweets for brands. Viewable on Twitter’s main and mobile websites, tweets that contain links to certain websites will have their contents previewed.

Expanded tweets had actually been rolled out previously on a larger scale for images hosted on particular sites such as Photobucket through Twitter’s image hosting deal, Twitpic, and Instagram, as well as videos on YouTube. This new deal brings text, videos and images by brands into greater prominence on Twitter. Launch partners include The Wall Street Journal, Breaking News, TIME, New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, Der Spiegel Online, WWE, TMZ, BuzzFeed, Lifetime, Dailymotion, and more.

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Bouncity for iPhone is Finally Out

Who is still interested or excited about Bouncity? After it was first released in June 2011 for BlackBerry, released for Android in November, and previewed for the iPhone in July, the iPhone app for Bouncity is finally out on the App Store today.

While Bouncity for iPhone had been long awaited, it’s uncertain if people are still interested in signing up or getting involved in the game. It has been eight months almost to the day since Bouncity was launched yet there’s been little to no word from as to the traction and adoption of it by Indonesians.

The location-based scene hasn’t been very exciting this year for local players. PersonaFlag has been deadpooled having no update since almost a year ago, Koprol is… well, what’s going on with Koprol anyway?

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BukuQ Public Beta Version Released, Affiliated with MySipisisPro®

Housed in the Hotel Ria Diani Cisarua, Bogor, bukuQ officially launched its services and entered a public beta stage.

This social networking service for book lovers officially announced their services last July 7 in the presence of practitioners, activists and observers of libraries throughout Indonesia because it also coincided with a seminar and workshop Union Catalog Web-Based Library which held on July 6 to 7 at the same place.

DailySocial had discuss bukuQ service several times, from the first plan of its appearance, the initial display and the latest version of the changes that remodel the old design, logo and added some new features and facilities.

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Dailylicious Recap This Week

At the end of the week, DailySocial editorial team will compile startups development and tech scene in Indonesia and the world in general that went by. Several links and short news went to Dailylicious while other themes went to DailySocial. Here’s what happened last week.

Lots of articles and information regarding startup-investor both in Dailylicious or DailySocial. But first, there’s an interesting article we shared in Dailylicious wrote by Niall Kennedy, Hat Trick Media’s consultant, specializing in applying techniques for business in web development, he wrote an article on how a website should react over modern browser’s development, “a new prerender behaviour”, you can see it here.

Still at the same day, there is an interesting article intended for startup, basically this article bring up 6 questions which startup can’t answered and rejected by the VC, this article was written by Keet Van Zyl, an investor for early-stage business. Some of it include a question about business description in a simple way, explaining where to gain income and target market. To read the full article, you can visit this link.

Continue reading Dailylicious Recap This Week Launched Beta Version and Open Access To Public now opened their service for public and enters the beta version. Previously Suaramu only provided 100 invitations for the users who want to try the alpha version of their services. With this beta release, the general users do not need any invitation to register, create an account and enjoy various facilities provided in provides the facility to record sound, play and shares it with friends. We could simply describe it as a social network with voice; it means the status update is done by sound. Users can also give comment on someone else’s ‘status’ or post with the sound.

There is a text facility as a complementary or functioned to provide a brief description about the recorded sound, but the text is limited to only 150 characters. For a more complete review of some existing facilities in, you can read the DailySocial article at the following link.

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