Social Media Strategy For Startup

Although considered very effective, digital marketing is not easy, precisely requires proper tactics, because when a brand plunge into the digital world, they will face a fairly complicated competition. As a business focuses on digital innovation, it is important for startup to formulate its best strategy in digital marketing. One of today’s most effective digital marketing channels is no other than social media.

Discussing on how social media can have an impact on startup marketing, DailySocial in weekly discussion #SelasaStartup sessions (7/11) presents CEO Bangwin Consulting Abang Edwin as a speaker. The man, usually called Bangwin, gives presentation titled “Social Media for Startup”, contains startup tips to increase product awareness through social media.

Get started with introducing the product

A strategy which can be optimized through social media is to attract the attention of consumers or clients. The trick is to throw a variety of issues commonly faced by market share, then offer the products or solutions concluded. One of the best response in social media is when the public shows their interest to the published products or services, especially to be able to discuss regarding its problem.

“The role of social media is to make the products from the company can be known by many, resulting in a good relationship with the user and giving a positive response to our products,” said Bangwin.

Social media strategy for startup

There are two things presented by Bangwin related to startup strategies in improving the performance of digital marketing through social media, namely One Time Set-up and Daily Engagement. One Time Set-up is related to the way the startup matures the identity associated with its brand. The startup identity in social media must be strong, it has to be linked to all activities. Such reinforcement can be done through optimization of profile pages or published content.

Daily Engagement deals with how social media become a medium for communicating between startup and its customers. The more conversations occured, the better score for the Daily Engagement. The most important part is the context, the consistency of content and social media strategies in delivering messages which appropriate and useful to followers on social media. Every post on it will have a value called Rate Impressions.

Content creativity plays a central role

The main trigger for consumers to be interested in discussing through social media is content. It does not have to be rigid to promote products or services on an ongoing basis, sometimes it needs more expressive content, such as quotes, visual content, quizzes and others. However, please notice the majority of the followers on social media.

“The point is that they notice the brand or product provided by startup is in accordance with their needs. Through images and facts given by social media which affect the personality of the product is the idea that should happened to a lot of enthusiasts, “said Bangwin.

The main purpose of social media is to ensure visitors to be more interested in the products they have. It includes of making the brand well-recognized, even make an impression to generate indirect promotion by consumers to the environment.

Original article is written in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

Strategi Media Sosial untuk Startup

Kendati dinilai sangat efektif, melakukan pemasaran digital ternyata tidak mudah –tepatnya memerlukan taktik yang sesuai, pasalnya ketika sebuah brand terjun ke dunia digital, maka mereka pun akan dihadapkan pada persaingan yang cukup rumit. Sebagai bisnis yang memfokuskan pada inovasi digital, penting bagi startup untuk merumuskan strategi terbaiknya dalam melakukan pemasaran digital. Salah satu kanal pemasaran digital yang paling efektif saat ini tak lain adalah media sosial.

Untuk membahas bagaimana sosial media dapat memberikan dampak terhadap pemasaran startup, sesi diskusi mingguan DailySocial dalam #SelasaStartup (7/11) menghadirkan CEO Bangwin Consulting Abang Edwin sebagai narasumber. Pria yang akrab disapa Bangwin tersebut membawakan presentasi bertajuk “Social Media for Startup”, berisi kiat startup meningkatkan awareness produk melalui media sosial.

Memulai dengan mengenalkan produk

Salah satu strategi yang dapat dioptimalkan melalui media sosial ialah untuk menarik perhatian konsumen atau klien. Caranya ialah dengan melempar berbagai isu yang umum dihadapi oleh pangsa pasar, kemudian menawarkan produk atau solusi yang digarap. Respons terbaik di media sosial salah satunya saat masyarakat menunjukkan ketertarikannya terhadap produk atau layanan yang dipublikasikan, terlebih di sana mampu menghadirkan diskusi terkait permasalahan tadi.

“Peran media sosial supaya banyak orang yang mengenal produk dari perusahaan yang ditampilkan, sehingga nantinya memiliki hubungan dengan pengguna dan memberi respons positif terhadap produk kita,” ujar Bangwin.

Strategi media sosial untuk startup

Ada dua hal yang dipaparkan oleh Bangwin terkait strategi startup dalam meningkatkan performa pemasaran digital melalui media sosial, yakni One Time Set-up dan Daily Engagement. One Time Set-up berkaitan dengan cara startup mematangkan identitas berkaitan dengan brand atau merek produknya. Identitas startup di media sosial harus kuat, bahkan harus dihubungkan untuk setiap aktivitas yang dilakukan. Penguatan tersebut bisa dilakukan melalui optimasi laman profil ataupun konten yang dipublikasikan.

Daily Engagement berkaitan dengan bagaimana media sosial dapat menjadi medium berkomunikasi antara startup dengan konsumennya. Semakin banyak perbincangan yang terjadi, maka skor untuk Daily Engagement semakin bagus. Bagian terpenting di sini ialah konteks, tentang konsistensi konten dan strategi media sosial dalam memberikan pesan yang sesuai dan bermanfaat bagi para pengikut di media sosial. Setiap posting di media sosial akan memiliki nilai yang disebut Rate Impressions.

Kreativitas konten berperan sentral

Trigger utama bagi konsumen untuk tertarik berdiskusi melalui media sosial ialah konten. Tidak harus terlalu kaku mempromosikan produk atau layanan secara terus menerus, kadang perlu disisipi dengan konten umum yang menggugah, misalnya kutipan, konten visual, kuis dan sebagainya. Namun perlu diperhatikan dengan mayoritas pengikut di media sosial tersebut.

“Intinya agar mereka tahu bahwa brand atau produk yang startup berikan sesuai dengan yang mereka butuhkan. Melalui gambar dan fakta dari media sosial yang diberikan mempengaruhi kepribadian produk itulah ide yang seharusnya terjadi banyak peminat,” lanjut Bangwin.

Tujuan utama media sosial memastikan pengunjung untuk lebih tertarik dengan produk yang dimiliki. Termasuk membuat brand yang dimiliki lebih dikenal, bahkan memberikan kesan sehingga secara tidak langsung kadang konsumen turut membantu mempromosikan kepada lingkungannya.

Community’s Role for Startup Business

One of the success in building a startup is fulfilling the needs and demands of future users. However, most startup owners only rely on their own intuition to justify their reach. Will this be enough?

Startup itself is defined as a new business that hasn’t run for too long in a certain market. This company can be based on goods and/or services that will eventually reach the hands of it’s customers. The population that represents the customers holds 50% of the deciding factor towards the new venture’s success. So, it is safe to say that no matter how good the product or services of the startup is, without enough number of customers the startup will not be able to be deemed as a success. Therefore one question emerges, how can we create a startup with a lot of users in such a short time?

An aspiring startup has to prepare everything well, including it’s scope of user, by building community far before it’s launched. This community is needed so that the potential user are going to be able to have the time to understand what this particular startup offers, they also need this time to ‘fall in love’ with this particular startup before becoming regulars.

The involvement of potential users since the beginning would enable them to have a strong bonding with the product we offer. This sense of ownership will be build into the hearts of the users, making these potential users a priceless asset which can provide feedback for the improvement and betterment of the startup. There are a lot of ways on how to build and raise a community that would be ready to embrace and welcome the goods or services of a certain startup. However, this all starts with the owner’s self realization on the importance of building a community.

The early steps of the strategy could be by opening oneself to the people or a general population that is felt to have a certain interest on distributing or sharing the information of the product or services that this startup offers. These people would be called the power user; these power users are in the front guards on the spread of information of the start up and are a pull factor towards other new users. After this, the viral effect will just move on by itself.

Thus, with this, I hope you’re able to picture how important it is on preparing a community before a startup is put into launch. This is done so that when the start up is launched, there would already be some initial loyal users. Of course, this community has to always be watched and maintained. It isn’t easy to build and maintain an initial community. However, speaking strategically, a community is crucial on the birth of a startup. I hope this could be useful for everyone.

This guest post is written by Abang Edwin Syarif Agustin. It is initially published in his Medium page and has been republished under permission.

Abang Edwin is online community management practitioner. You can contact him directly on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Ansvia Kembangkan ESN untuk Media Sosial Internal Perusahaan

Ansvia kembangkan ESN sebagai platform media sosial internal perusahaan / Dailysocial

Penggunaan media sosial dalam keseharian seolah menjadi budaya baru di tenah masyarakat. PT Ansvia, perusahaan berbasis teknologi yang berfokus pada riset dan pengembang, menghadirkan Enterprise Social Network (ESN) dengan didukung teknologi perangkat lunak asli Indonesia, Digaku. Layanan ini turut mengintegrasikan Mindtalk yang juga dinaungi Ansvia untuk siap menyasar segmen B2B. Continue reading Ansvia Kembangkan ESN untuk Media Sosial Internal Perusahaan

[Dailyssimo] Peranan Twitter Dalam Mengubah Dunia Humas

Hadirnya media sosial seperti Facebook dan Twitter telah merubah pandangan tentang dunia public relation (PR) selamanya. Beberapa tahun yang lalu kita tidak bisa membayangkan media micro-blogging dengan keterbatasan 140 karakternya bisa menjadi alat yang efektif untuk menjalankan dan memelihara jalannya hubungan masyarakat.


[Dailyssimo] Pemangsa Online itu Ada Di Dekat Kita

Akhirnya semua kembali pada manusia beserta hati dan perilakunya. Internet, social media, website dan segalanya yang berbentuk maya adalah perpanjangan tangan yang membuat perilaku manusia bisa terjadi dengan lebih cepat lebih jauh dan lebih kuat. Ya yang saya maksud adalah segala macam perilaku manusia ya, yang baik maupun yang buruk. Dan itu semua sudah mulai terjadi di dekat kita karena semua yang terhubung pada internet segalanya jadi lebih dekat dan kadang lebih berbahaya karena ketidak terlihatannya itu.

Continue reading [Dailyssimo] Pemangsa Online itu Ada Di Dekat Kita

[Dailyssimo] Election on Social Media

For citizen of Jakarta, last July 11, 2012 is a day that attracts quite large attention because it was the day of the election for the new governor and vice-governor for Jakarta. The win of Jokowi-Ahok in the first round is quite surprising for many parties, but truthfully, said pairing is quite prominent after Foke-Nara pair. Then what about the cyber space? What happened? I will try to analyze the monitoring result by our friends on Saling-Silang which infographic can be seen here.

Based on the monitoring result of SX Index team, it is recorded that No. 5 pair (Faisal Basri and Biem Benyamin) manage to collect the highest positive sentiment of 92.43% while the next in line is Alex Noerdin and Nono Sampono pair with 84.49%. Hidayat Nur Wahid–Didik J. Rachbini 79.91%, Hendardji Supandji–Achmad Riza Patria 78.59%, Joko Widodo–Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok) 78.27% and lastly, Fauzi Bowo–Nachrowi Ramli pair with 70.98%.

This result is very different with the reality. Yes, because many forget that the percentage of internet user in Indonesia is only 23% of Indonesian population and mainly focused in the big cities, and only 4.1% is in the rural area (data can be seen here). This means the success in social media is not valid to be an accurate prediction of the total result. But if we rule out the sentiment happened in the conversation, the buzz is quite representative. In the infographic, highest buzz is for Jokowi-Ahok pair and Foke-Nara. This means, both pair candidates manage to flood Twitter timeline with whatever sentiment and succeed in making a lot of people talk about it on Twitter.

Continue reading [Dailyssimo] Election on Social Media

[Dailyssimo] Pilkada di Social Media

Bagi warga kota Jakarta, tanggal 11 Juli 2012 kemarin merupakan hari yang cukup menarik perhatian karena saat itu berlangsungnya pilkada 2012 untuk memilih Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Jakarta yang baru. Kemenangan pasangan Jokowi-Ahok pada putaran pertama ini memang cukup membuat kaget banyak pihak, tapi secara jujur memang pasangan tersebutlah yang cukup menonjol selain pasangan Foke-Nara. Lalu bagaimana di dunia maya? Apa yang terjadi? Saya akan mencoba menganalisa hasil monitoring yang dilakukan oleh teman-teman Saling-Silang yang infografiknya bisa Anda lihat di sini.

Berdasarkan hasil pantauan tim SX Index, didapatkan bahwa pasangan nomer urut 5 (Faisal Basri dan Biem Benyamin) berhasil mengumpulkan sentimen positif tertitinggi jumlahnya yaitu 92.43%. Sedangkan urutan berikutnya adalah pasangan Alex Noerdin dan Nono Sampono dengan 84.49%. Hidayat Nur Wahid–Didik J. Rachbini 79.91%, Hendardji Supandji–Achmad Riza Patria 78.59%, Joko Widodo–Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok) 78.27%, dan terakhir adalah pasangan Fauzi Bowo–Nachrowi Ramli 70.98%.

Continue reading [Dailyssimo] Pilkada di Social Media

[Dailyssimo] Return of Investment in Social Media

If you read my article about the KPI of social media it is closely related to what we know as ROI (Return Of Investment). There has to be a clear benchmark to count ROI, so KPI is the benchmark for ROI.

Many say that ROI in social media is unmeasureable but can be tracked, others say that social media’s ROI is noticeable when the level of customer’s satisfaction moves up due to the activity of online community. And there are many more explanations about ROI in social media.

While those answers come up, the thing that can be confusing and convincing at the same time is you will still find it difficult to answer the questions from your business partner or client who demands answers in a reasonable business perspective.

Those are the things that sometimes make us sceptical about social media, things that seem to have no clarity in structure and flow. Why you should look for something that was not even measureable? And how do you track and collect the data with the right tool? How can you control the mistakes that often happen? How to articulate the business cases for social media?

Continue reading [Dailyssimo] Return of Investment in Social Media

[Dailyssimo] ROI Pada Social Media

Jika Anda sempat membaca tulisan saya tentang KPI pada social media maka sebenarnya topik dalam tulisan itu berhubungan langsung dengan apa yang kita kenal dengan ROI (Return Of Investment). Untuk menghitung ROI tentu harus ada patokan yang jelas, nah KPI lah sebagai tolok ukur ROI tersebut.

Banyak yang menyebutkan ROI pada social media tidak bisa diukur tetapi bisa dilacak, atau ada juga yang bilang bahwa ROI social media itu bisa diketahui jika tingkat kepuasan pelanggan bergerak naik karena aktivitas online community. Dan, masih banyak lagi penjelasan-penjelasan lain tentang ROI pada social media.

Selagi jawaban-jawaban di atas bermunculan, yang kadang membingungkan dan kadang juga keliatannya meyakinkan adalah, Anda akan tetap mendapat kesulitan untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari rekan bisnis Anda ataupun klien, yang menginginkan jawaban dalam perspektif bisnis yang masuk akal.

Continue reading [Dailyssimo] ROI Pada Social Media