Discovery/Shift Report: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Operational Excellence in Indonesia

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being utilized in business, given its transformative potential to enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, and drive innovation. By leveraging AI, companies can optimize resource allocation, predict market trends, and gain a competitive edge. Rapid technological advancements and abundant available data make adopting AI critically important today.

The newly released 2024 Enterprise AI Report, available now for download, is a guide that delves into how AI is transforming industries and enabling businesses to achieve operational excellence. This report is designed for leaders and strategists who want to harness the power of AI for long-term success.

  • AI’s Role in Business Transformation: Discover how AI can enhance decision-making, streamline operations, and foster innovation across sectors such as finance, manufacturing, retail, and logistics.
  • Strategic AI Deployment: Learn best practices for AI implementation, from assessing organizational readiness to identifying high-impact opportunities and selecting the right technologies and vendors.
  • Overcoming Adoption Challenges: The report addresses key hurdles businesses face when adopting AI, such as data quality, talent acquisition, and ethical concerns, offering practical solutions to ensure successful deployment.
  • Real-World Case Studies: See AI through detailed case studies showcasing how top companies leverage AI for predictive maintenance, customer personalization, and supply chain optimization.
  • AI and the Future: Get insights into the evolving AI landscape, including AI-as-a-service solutions, democratized AI access, and ethical considerations shaping the next wave of digital transformation.

However, challenges in AI adoption, such as data quality, talent acquisition, infrastructure development, and ethical considerations, are also discussed. Effective strategies for overcoming these challenges include bias mitigation, data privacy measures, and transparent AI decision-making processes.

This report also presents a mini-survey conducted among the general public to ascertain their perceptions regarding the implementation of AI. Generally, AI is regarded as having a positive role in daily life. This perception may serve as a constructive foundation for the industry to adopt AI implementations more widely.

This report is a practical guide for companies seeking operational excellence and innovative solutions through AI integration. Organizations can ensure sustainable growth and innovation by continuously monitoring AI performance and adjusting strategies.

For more insight, get the full report here: click here.

Enam Startup AI Tahap Awal Unjuk Gigi di Demo Day DSLaunchpad AI 2024

DSLaunchpad AI merupakan program inkubator startup tahap awal yang fokus mengembangkan solusi dengan kecerdasan buatan (AI) sebagai salah salah satu fondasinya. Program ini terdiri dari akvitias pembelajaran, penugasan, hingga mentoring yang berlangsung intensif selama 4 minggu; dan ditutup dengan Demo Day sebagai sesi presentasi lulusan terbaik dari program ini.

DSLaunchpad AI diinisiasi oleh firma konsultan Discovery/Shift dan modal ventura DS/X Ventures yang merupakan bagian dari DailySocial Group.

Sejak pendaftaran dibuka pada awal Juli 2024 s/d pertengahan Agustus 2024, DSLaunchpad AI mendapatkan 159 startup pendaftar. Dari jumlah tersebut lalu tim DS/X Ventures melakukan kurasi menjadi TOP22 Startup yang mendapatkan pembinaan 1-on-1 dengan para supermentors. Hingga mengerucutkannya menjadi TOP6 untuk mengikuti Demo Day di hadapan puluhan investor (VCs, CVCs, Angels) dan korporasi.

“Tahun ini benar-benar luar biasa! Melihat para talenta AI Indonesia melampaui ekspektasi dengan ide-ide brilian dan inovasi yang berani membuat kami semakin bersemangat. Terima kasih tak terhingga kepada para mitra dan mentor yang luar biasa – dukungan kalian telah membuka jalan bagi masa depan AI yang penuh potensi di Indonesia. Kita baru saja memulai, dan perjalanan ini akan semakin menginspirasi!” ujar Managing Partner Discovery/Shift, Rama Mamuaya.

Mentor dan Benefit

Selama 4 minggu, para startup mendapatkan sesi mentoring secara intensif. Demi meningkatkan fleksibilitas, di tengah kesibukan para founder dalam menggarap startupnya, sesi ini dilakukan secara online di malam hari. Para founder terpilih disuguhkan materi dan pembinaan langsung dari pada mentor meliputi:

Nama Perusahaan Materi
On Lee CTO GDP Venture, CEO & CTO GDP Labs AI Fundamental
Andrias Ekoyuono Chief of AI & Corporate Strategy Kumparan Ideation and Problem Identification
Risman Adnan Director of Digital Techology Kalbe Digital Lab Market Research & Validation
Hokiman Kurniawan Co-Founder & CEO Product Development Planning
Irzan Raditya Co-Founder & CEO Business Model Development
Gani Putra Lie Head of Investment MDI Ventures Financial Planning and Fundraising
Ananda Budi Sr. Architect Solution Alibaba Cloud Indonesia AI Technical Workshop
Michael Cleavant Head of Investment DS/X Ventures Pitching Preparation for Early-Stage Startup

Selain itu, para peserta juga mendapatkan perks tambahan atas keterlibatan Alibaba Cloud Indonesia dalam mendukung program DSLaunchpad AI. Yakni para peserta mendapatkan akses eksklusif ke program Alibaba Cloud Catalyst, yang memungkinkan setiap startup mendapatkan benefit cloud credit senilai $1000 (atau setara Rp15,5 juta) untuk kebutuhan pengembangan dan R&D, juga akses ke ekosistem startup Alibaba Cloud.

Untuk peserta terbaik, Alibaba Cloud juga akan memberikan credit cloud tambahan senilai $20.000 atau setara dengan kredit senilai Rp231 juta.

 TOP6 Startup

Setelah tahapan inkubasi, dipilih 6 startup terbaik yang akan mempresentasikan startup mereka di hadapan investor dan korporasi. Demo Day ini bertujuan untuk membuka potensi kolaborasi dan sinergi antara startup terpilih dengan para stakeholder di jaringan DailySocial.

Berikut daftar 6 startup AI yang terpilih masuk ke sesi Demo Day:

Startup Deskripsi
InLive Inlive adalah SaaS telekonferensi yang membantu pengembang atau perusahaan mengembangkan aplikasi telekonferensi kustom mereka dalam hitungan minggu, bukan bulan, dengan menggunakan API cloud yang mereka miliki.
Ternakin Ternakin adalah operator peternakan ikan yang bermitra dengan petani, memanfaatkan IoT dan AI untuk mengoptimalkan operasional peternakan dan meningkatkan transparansi. Pendekatan Ternakin memberdayakan petani untuk meningkatkan produktivitas sambil memastikan praktik budidaya perikanan yang berkelanjutan. adalah Platform Anti Kejahatan Keuangan terpusat tanpa kode (no-code) untuk fintech dan bank dalam memerangi kejahatan keuangan seperti Pencucian Uang dan Penipuan di ruang Fiat & Kripto.
TalentMarket Talent Market adalah mesin pencari berbasis AI untuk menemukan talenta global yang telah diverifikasi serta peluang kerja.
Diva Diva, sebuah platform automasi proses bisnis tanpa kode (no-code), bertujuan untuk mengakhiri tugas-tugas berulang bagi operator, agen, dan proses manual lainnya. Platform ini akan membuka peluang untuk fokus pada hal-hal yang penting dan meningkatkan produktivitas serta profitabilitas guna mendorong pendapatan sambil mengurangi biaya.
Paperless Hospital PaperlessHospital adalah startup yang berfokus pada solusi juru tulis medis bertenaga AI untuk rumah sakit. Teknologi mereka mengotomatiskan proses dokumentasi, memungkinkan dokter untuk lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu merawat pasien sambil memastikan catatan medis yang akurat dan efisien. Startup ini membantu penyedia layanan kesehatan mengurangi beban administratif dan meningkatkan alur kerja secara keseluruhan.

DSLaunchpad AI berharap dengan adanya rangkaian program ini dapat meluluskan startup AI tahap awal yang siap terap di pasar, di tengah kebutuhan pasar AI yang terus meningkat di Indonesia maupun dunia.

Report: Unlocking Opportunities in Indonesia’s B2B Tech

The Indonesia B2B tech market is on a rapid growth trajectory, driven by increasing digital adoption, innovative business models, and supportive government policies. The Asia Pacific region, including Indonesia, is expected to lead global B2B market growth, with an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.2% from 2024 to 2030.

This growth is underpinned by significant enterprise spending on cloud services, business applications, and communication tools, adding approximately $150 billion to the global market.

Indonesia, as a part of the Southeast Asia region, is emerging as a critical player in this landscape. The country’s large and diverse economy, coupled with a strong digital infrastructure, positions it among the fastest-growing B2B markets globally. With a focus on digital transformation and the adoption of e-commerce platforms, Indonesia’s B2B market is set to thrive, particularly in sectors like fintech, logistics, and SaaS.


Through the report, DS/X Ventures and Discovery/Shift summarize the development trends and opportunities within Indonesia’s B2B Tech Landscape. The report involves both primary and secondary data to support the growth of several industry sectors that are likely to gain attention in 2024.

Fintech: Revolutionizing Financial Access and Transactions

QRIS merchant numbers have surged, significantly driving the growth of embedded lending, especially among SMEs, and helping to close the financial gap in underserved areas. With only 3% of Indonesians owning credit cards, fintech is expanding financial access by integrating solutions into e-commerce and other platforms, thereby streamlining B2B transactions and enhancing overall financial inclusion.

Logistics and Supply Chain: Overcoming Geographical Challenges

Indonesia’s dispersed islands create logistical challenges, leading to high costs and inefficiencies that hinder B2B growth. However, adopting advanced WMS and other technologies optimizes logistics, improves efficiency, and reduces costs. Despite these challenges, the 3PL market is expanding, driven by e-commerce growth, and urgently needs more warehouse space. This demand presents significant opportunities for companies that innovate in the logistics space.

SaaS: Bridging the Adoption Gap

SaaS adoption in Indonesia is uneven, particularly in lower-tier cities where poor infrastructure and limited awareness hinder growth. While SMEs dominate the economy, their SaaS uptake remains low due to budget constraints and a lack of awareness. Large enterprises often prefer international SaaS providers, which poses a challenge but also offers opportunities for local players. Local SaaS providers have significant growth potential, especially in underserved regions where targeted solutions can make a substantial impact.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: Navigating Talent Shortages

Indonesia’s AI market is expanding, driven by increased investment and significant cost savings reported by early adopters. However, talent shortages and slow deep tech development are hindering broader adoption. Addressing these challenges through investment in AI education and training is essential for sustaining growth. Despite these obstacles, AI in Indonesia has strong future potential, bolstered by ongoing investment and supportive government policies.

These sectors, driven by digital transformation, government support, and innovative solutions, are at the cusp of significant disruption in Indonesia’s B2B market. As these trends unfold, they will likely reshape the business landscape, offering both challenges and opportunities for companies operating in or entering this dynamic market.

For more insight, get the full report here: Unlocking Opportunities in Indonesia’s B2B Tech

Discovery/Shift Report: Indonesian Startup Ecosystem Shows Resilience in Q1 2024

The startup landscape in Indonesia experienced a remarkable shift in the first quarter of 2024. Despite the lingering effects of the 2023 “tech winter,” which saw significant challenges in global funding, the Indonesian startup ecosystem showed resilience and a notable increase in funding activities.

Key Highlights from Q1 2024 Report:

  1. Overall Funding Increase: Startup funding in Indonesia saw a 14.6% rise compared to the same period last year. This growth is attributed to an improving global economy, renewed investor trust, and emerging technological innovations.
  2. Shift in Funding Types: An almost equal split between equity and debt funding was observed in Q1 2024. This marks a shift from the traditional dominance of equity funding, with debt funding becoming a critical resource for fintech startups to expand their lending capabilities.
  3. Top Sectors for Investment:
    • Fintech: Continued to dominate the funding landscape, driven by increasing mobile internet penetration and a strong demand for digital payments and lending solutions.
    • Agritech: Gained attention for improving agricultural productivity and sustainability.
    • Climate Tech: Attracted investments for renewable energy, waste management, and conservation efforts.
    • Edtech: Benefited from the pandemic-induced shift to online learning, maintaining strong investor interest.
    • Legaltech and SaaS: These sectors also saw significant investments, highlighting the growing need for tech solutions in legal processes and business efficiencies.
  4. Mergers and Acquisitions: With no IPOs in 2023, M&A activities became a crucial strategy for startups to expand their market reach and enhance competitiveness.

Download the full report here: Indonesia Startup Funding Report – Q1 2024

This article generated by AI with supervision from content writer