Haris Izmee Appointed as Microsoft Indonesia’s President Director

Microsoft officially announce Haris Izmee as the new President Director for Indonesia. Previously, the position is occupied by Andreas Diantoro for about 5 years. Andreas reportedly resigned from his position but not yet known where he would continue his career.

Haris Izmee is known to have experience in professional business for almost 20 years. Previously, Haris worked at Indonesia’s General Electric Healthcare (GEHC) as Director and Country Manager. In his era, he successfully expanding business in health and recently becomes the biggest GE’s business.

Prior ro GEHC, He was a Senior Sales Director at GE Aviation, responsible in leading all commercial aircraft engine sales. In educational background, Izmee is a graduate of London’s Queen Mary University with Aeronautical Engineering degree.

Andrea Della Mattea, Microsoft Asia Pasific’s President said in her statement, “Haris has an impressive track record in successful business. We aware that Indonesia is in an excellent position to grow new business, and I am very pleased to have Haris as a leader for our customers and partners towards digital transformation.

At Microsoft, Izmee will be responsible in product marketing, services and customer support in Indonesia, most importantly to fasten the transformation Microsoft currently working on, to be a productive company and popular platform.

“I am so glad to be able to join Microsoft at its finest. Indonesia’s aspiration in becoming the largest digital economy in Southeast Asia in 2020 shows a great opportunity for our partners and customers to use new business model and solution in fastening their business growth. Microsoft’s vision in empowering public and communities, underlines our commitment to support their digital transformation plans,” Izmee said.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

Haris Izmee Ditunjuk Menjadi Presiden Direktur Microsoft Indonesia

Microsoft hari ini resmi mengumumkan penunjukan Haris Izmee sebagai Presiden Direktur baru untuk Indonesia. Sebelumnya posisi tersebut dijabat oleh Andreas Diantoro selama kurang lebih lima tahun. Andreas dikabarkan mungundurkan diri dari jabatannya tersebut, namun belum diketahui informasinya tentang ke mana selanjutnya Andreas akan berkarier.

Haris Izmee diketahui sudah berpengalaman di bisnis profesional selama hampir 20 tahun. Sebelumnya, Haris bekerja di General Electric Healthcare (GEHC) Indonesia sebagai Country Manager dan Direktur. Dalam masa jabatannya, Haris sukses memperluas usaha dalam bidang kesehatan, yang menjadi bidang usaha terbesar GE pada saat ini.

Sebelum GEHC, Haris merupakan Senior Sales Director di GE Aviation, ia bertanggung jawab memimpin seluruh penjualan mesin pesawat komersial. Untuk latar belakang pendidikannya sendiri, Haris adalah lulusan dari Queen Mary University di London dengan gelar Sarjana Teknik Penerbangan.

Presiden Microsoft Asia Pasifik, Andrea Della Mattea dalam sambutannya mengatakan, “Haris memiliki rekam jejak kesuksesan bisnis yang mengesankan. Kami sadar bahwa Indonesia sedang berada di posisi yang luar biasa untuk dapat meraih kesempatan pertumbuhan bisnis baru, dan saya sangat senang untuk menyambut Haris yang akan memimpin pelanggan dan mitra kami menuju transformasi digital.”

Di Microsoft, Haris akan bertanggung jawab terhadap pemasaran produk, layanan dan dukungan pelanggan di Indonesia, serta yang lebih penting yakni mempercepat transformasi yang tengah dilakukan Microsoft saat ini, untuk menjadi perusahaan produktivitas dan platform terkemuka.

“Saya sangat senang dapat bergabung bersama Microsoft, di saat yang sangat tepat. Aspirasi Indonesia untuk menjadi ekonomi digital terbesar di Asia Tenggara pada tahun 2020 menunjukkan kesempatan yang sangat besar bagi mitra dan pelanggan kami untuk memanfaatkan model bisnis dan solusi baru dalam mempercepat pertumbuhan bisnis mereka. Visi Microsoft untuk memberdayakan masyarakat dan komunitas, menggarisbawahi komitmen kami untuk mendukung perjalanan transformasi digital mereka,” sambut Haris dalam rilis yang kami terima.

Microsoft Expects Office 365 to Improve People’s Productivity with Remote Working

Microsoft perfects its Office 2016 with numerous features to accommodate the remote working trend. During its launching in Jakarta (23/9), Microsoft Indonesia’s President Director Andreas Diantoro voiced his support for users who want to work remotely so that they may accelerate their performance and productivity as well as save their time. Continue reading Microsoft Expects Office 365 to Improve People’s Productivity with Remote Working

Microsoft Berharap Office 365 Dorong Produktivitas Pekerja Secara Remote


Mengikuti tren remote working, Microsoft menyempurnakan produk Office 2016 mereka dengan beberapa fitur unggulan yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh penggunanya. Dalam peluncurannya siang ini (23/9) di Jakarta, Presiden Direktur Microsoft Indonesia Andreas Diantoro menyuarakan dukungannya untuk para penggunanya yang ingin bekerja secara remote agar bisa mempercepat kinerja, menghemat waktu, dan mendongkrak produktivitas.

Continue reading Microsoft Berharap Office 365 Dorong Produktivitas Pekerja Secara Remote

Microsoft: Lewat Windows 10, Kami Rangkul Semua Device di Satu Platform

Menjelang peluncuran sistem operasi baru pada tanggal 29 Juli kemarin, Microsoft sudah melepas berbagai kabar penting mengenai Windows 10. Beragam fitur di sana bukan lagi kejutan, dan Anda bisa menemukan segala pembahasannya di Trenologi. Terlepas dari hal itu, sejumlah fakta menarik tak lupa Microsoft ungkap dalam acara konferensi pers mereka di Jakarta. Continue reading Microsoft: Lewat Windows 10, Kami Rangkul Semua Device di Satu Platform

Smaller, Leaner Windows 8 Expected to Drive Majority of Windows Users to Upgrade

Microsoft finally launched Windows 8 on Thursday, local time, in New York, its long awaited and anticipated update to the company’s desktop operating system. At a time in which computing is shifting from traditional computers to mobile devices, it seems as if the Redmond giant is late to the party. The Windows Phone operating system for mobile phones barely registers a blip on the radar and its tablet initiatives had never been popular ever since the company introduced them a decade ago. Windows 8 however, could offer something different. The core of the operating system is being used across three computing platforms to assist consumers and developers alike to be more familiar with the new environment.

Continue reading Smaller, Leaner Windows 8 Expected to Drive Majority of Windows Users to Upgrade

Microsoft Indonesia Appoints Andreas Diantoro As President Director

After losing Sutanto Hartono at the end of 2011, Microsoft has apparently appointed Andreas Diantoro as President Director of Microsoft Indonesia to replace Hartono.

Prior joining Microsoft, Diantoro had been in the corporate IT business of multinational companies such as Hewlett-Packard and Dell. Diantoro has spent more than 11 years at Hewlett-Packard Indonesia, Singapore, and Australia before leaving the position as Managing Director for HP Indonesia to move to Dell Asia as its Managing Director. At Dell Asia, Diantoro supervised 23 countries in Asia and India, focusing on the consumer business.

Based on his work in HP and Dell, Diantoro was crowned as the “Most Inspiring Chief Marketing Officer 2005″ by Warta Ekonomi and “Indonesia’s 25 CEOs to Watch in 2006” by SWA magazine.

According to Kompas, Diantoro has confirmed this news and he will soon carry out his duties at Microsoft Indonesia starting February 15th, 2012.

Microsoft Indonesia Tunjuk Andreas Diantoro Sebagai Presiden Direktur

Setelah kehilangan Sutanto Hartono akhir 2011 lalu, kini Microsoft Indonesia dikabarkan telah menunjuk Andreas Diantoro sebagai Presiden Direktur Microsoft Indonesia menggantikan Sutanto.

Sebelum bergabung dengan Microsoft, Andreas sudah berkecimpung di bisnis IT korporat di perusahaan multinasional seperti Hewlett-Packard dan Dell. Andreas menghabiskan lebih dari 11 tahun di Hewlett-Packard Indonesia, Singapura dan Australia sebelum meninggalkan posisi Managing Director untuk HP Indonesia untuk pindah ke Dell Asia, juga sebagai Managing Director. Di Dell Asia, Andreas membawahi 23 negara di Asia dan India, memfokuskan diri ke consumer business.

Continue reading Microsoft Indonesia Tunjuk Andreas Diantoro Sebagai Presiden Direktur